Long working on PC can really affect its speed. But these man-made machines can work a lot faster and better with a little bit of optimization. If you are experiencing any kind of performance and system issue and thinking how to make your Windows run faster? Then here are 10 tips to optimize your windows to make its performance much better.

So, Let’s See;

  1. Take down the Unnecessary Services: Not every factory-made service that runs on a computer is necessary for the improvement of your windows. Sometimes these services are the ones that can be enabled or modified to run whenever it is needed, otherwise these services are not useful and they decrease the speed of your PC. Once you disable these services your windows don’t need to spend time and consume system resources in starting these apps. This small step can make a big difference when you’re working on the Speed of your Windows. To do that:

Open Run Commander. Type “msconfig” and hit enter. Go to the Services tab and Un-tick those services what you never wanted to start with your Windows. Make sure you don’t unmark the system’s own services, and to prevent that you can check the option called “Hide all Microsoft services”.

 2. Delete the Start-Up services: When you switch to start your PC, there are a number of programs that start right away. These programs pop up several new processes with no use. When you start your PC, there occurs a burden on your PC to start itself along with all these services.

You can either stop these program by changing their settings or you can delete the unnecessary ones. These new system installations add a permanent presence to the system startup tray even if it is not absolutely necessary for them to run and function for the system. You can go through your PCs system settings and investigate to tool by tool all the apps that are not necessary for your PC. Make sure that you don’t end up deleting the necessary apps by chance. This little step will surely make visible changes in the windows optimization and speed increase of your PC. And to do that, again you’ll need to go to the ‘msconfig setting’ and this time you’ll need to check out the “Startup” tab. Which contain a list of all those programs which starts with your system. So, just uncheck those ones which you don’t need.

  1. Keep your Windows Virus Free: If you are using windows and you do not have any app or software to keep virus and spy wares at the bay then you’re in a serious problem. If you’re a Windows user then you must run an Antivirus along with it. Viruses can not only decrease the speed of your windows but they can also corrupt the whole PC until you’re not able to use it anymore without making Factory restore. Save yourself from all the loss and keep a Malware combating system on your PC. Installing a good Antivirus and Malware Combat system is necessary and successful in catching the bad and corrupt stuff from the Windows while not actually affecting the performance of the Windows. Suggested Link: What’s A Good Antivirus And How To Pick A Best One?

  2. Use Performance Troubleshooter: The built-in performance Troubleshooter in the windows is a good service by windows that can actually find and fix problems on your PC. This performance troubleshooter will start finding the problems and issues that might slow down your computers working efficiency. This simple service by windows can help you make the necessary changes in your windows that can make visible changes in your windows performance and speed issues.

  3. Delete Programs that You Barely Use: All the new Windows systems come packed up with systems and services that are very often unnecessary for the user. These programs often include apps that have limited and trial versions of apps. These apps are installed with an idea that the user might eventually find them necessary and then buy the fuller and complete versions of it. In case you decide that you don’t need these applications that you need to delete them as soon as possible. These programs are the ones that slow down your computer by taking up its precious disk space and the processing power.

  4. Clean Up and Defragment your Hard Disk: Unnecessary fragmentation of hard disk slows down it’s working process. Also keeping unnecessary data uses unwanted space on the hard disk. Remove temporary data and cache apps from your hard disk. Defragmenter of hard disk rearranges the fragmented data on your hard disk so that it can work more efficiently. It runs on a scheduled setting but if you want to enhance the speed and working of your windows then you can Defragment the hard disk manually. Click Here To Buy: Defraggler Professional

  5. Try to Run Few Programs at Once: Whenever you try to use your computer in order to change it’s computing settings then it can have a huge bad impact on the working and performing capacity of the computer. If you are someone who likes to run several programs, Windows and a number of browsers all open at once while you message your friends on social media don’t get surprised if your windows slow down. Keeping a lot of unnecessary emails lined up also uses memory which lags the computer. Hence try to run few programs at once if you really want to optimize your windows to perform faster. Also, do not run multiple antiviruses at once. Antivirus runs on a continuous basis in the background that can slow down the performance of your windows. But luckily Windows Action center is built to make you aware of that and you can fix this problem.

  6. Disable the Visual Effects: Visual effects definitely look good on the PC. But know that these visual effects slowdowns the performance of your Windows. If you are suffering from the slow speed of your windows then you can speed it up by turning off some of the visual effects on your windows. If your PC is fast and efficient enough then you might not need to disable this service but some of the PCs really slow down if you run visual effects. What would you like better? A fast running Windows or a slow and lagging one with visual effects on it.

  7. Reinstall your OS: Sometimes it’s also possible that your computer’s Operating System got corrupted too, and the best way to repairing it is to reinstall it. Here are some links given below which will help you out to reinstall the OS.

How To Install Windows 8? How to Install Windows 7? How to Install Windows XP?

  1. Adding more memory (RAM): RAM (Random Access Memory) is like a fast version of typical Hard Drive, and it only use to store temporary information and data, which is mainly use for the Processor because it won’t has that amount of memory cache to handle even the normal tasks. The more RAM you have, the better performance your machine will gives you. To know more, here are some links given below which might help you out to find the RAM related issue.

How Much Ram Do I Need? What Type Of Ram Does My Computer Support And I Have Installed? How To Install A Ram In Desktop? How To Install Your Laptop RAM?

You can choose wisely as not all the visual effects slow the performance of windows, however, windows can help you choose the right ones and you can optimize your Windows to perform faster. “That’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the article, in the comments down below.” 🙂