This is especially true of online casinos, where rife competition leads brands to offer bigger and better options for their players in order to attract new customers. But with so many options and different types of ways to gamble online for real money without having to spend your own, where do you start? Here are our pro tips for gambling online for real cash prizes, without spending your own money.

Find a free spins bonus

This might just be the easiest way to gamble for free. If you play casino slots at a bonus-friendly site like Betfair, you can immediately claim a number of “free spins” on selected slot games, provided you are a first-time account holder. The terms and conditions attached to free spins bonuses tend to vary, but generally, you are entitled to a number of free rounds on certain slot games with the promise that any winnings you accrue from those free spins are yours to keep, subject to playthrough requirements.

Look for seasonal offers

If you’re more of an online sports betting fan, you should keep an eye out at digital sportsbooks in the runup to major events such as the Super Bowl or the Grand National. Many platforms try to drum up publicity for their websites during major sporting events, and will usually offer a free bet to any new users who sign up during the specified period. This way, you can wager on your favorite team for free, without having to spend a penny.


If you already have a casino account, there are still ways to gamble for free and keep the winnings for yourself. Most casino platforms will offer some kind of “refer-a-friend” bonus, especially for sports betting sites. With these, if you successfully get a friend to create an account, the casino will thank you with some casino credit that you can gamble with however you please. Usually, your friend has to make their first deposit before you can access your bonus. Once they have done this, the casino will usually automatically credit your account, so you don’t have to do anything. We all love a freebie, and this is especially true when it comes to free real-money online games. By following these simple hacks, you can try out all of your favorite gambling activities without having to spend a penny.

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